Plant Ziplines

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Plant Ziplines is a preparatory story trade mission in A Rich Guest. Gloves’s entry plan requires rappelling equipment so Baker’s crew can reach the lower floors of Imperial Bank from the roof. Touchdown’s contact Dave demands payment of $23,400 up front.


Dave:You’re talkin Ziplines?


Dave:Takin a big chance. But you pay good 'n we’ll make it shine.

Touchdown:You gonna have to prove your worth you're weight in gold bitch!

Do you want to pay the window washer to mark the ziplines’ location?

  • Pay

    Touchdown:Cash is yours, babe. But you fuck it up - I find you.

  • Pay with electronics

    Touchdown:Cash is yours, babe. But you fuck it up - I find you.

  • Not now

    Touchdown:Hm, hang tight - I’ll come back.

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