What’s on the Boat?

Fake Coke Deal

“Here’s the play: we place an order with Khan—for one hell-of-a-lot of cocaine.”

Fake Coke Deal is a story trade mission in What’s on the Boat?. After Baker learns about Khan’s yacht, Casey suggests impersonating a rival dealer to gather information and increase Khan’s shipments. Baker needs to have $150,000 to set up the trade, but he doesn’t actually spend it.


Rider:How much you is need?

Grave:Oh, we are like talking hella-lot - double-digit pounds man.

Grave:Look at the dead presidents, man. Got stacks and stacks where this came from, you dig?

Rider:Hmmm… you new here…

Rider:Tell you what… Khan, real boss - have much more powder coming. Fucking boatload.

Grave:Oh, snap! Done deal - we gon go ahead an take alla that.

Rider:Mmm - Deal-a - how you say - talk soon.

Grave:Coolio - page me.

  • Thank you
  • Not now


The plan works; after a few days, the Miss Olga enters the marina, and Baker can proceed to steal its payload.