Jupiter’s story

The Blue Bull

“No more ’roids, you hear me? And less drinking, girl.”


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The Blue Bull is the second mission in Jupiter’s story. After detectives Donny and Phips confront Jupiter and her father at their gym and steal their client list, they use it to blackmail Scorpio out of $200,000. He tracks down Jupiter at The Blue Bull and demands that she compensate him for his losses. Her counteroffer is significantly lower and considerably more violent.


Eliminate them

Jupiter can grab her Glizzy next to her whisky, push past the bartender and grab his Lupara Short from under the bar, or simply take on Scorpio and his lackeys with her bare Fists. She can even take a page from Donny’s book, grab the Bay Crabs bat off the far wall, and try to score some runs.

After things get violent, several more Riders enter the bar through the saloon doors, and eventually, waves of RCPD police officers will also respond. Since Jupiter can’t pick up ammunition, she should eliminate the Riders and depart as quickly as possible.

Time to escape

One more Rider surprises Jupiter on the stairwell as she flees toward the back of the establishment.


Jupiter’s dad has a getaway vehicle ready in the alley behind The Blue Bull. He drives her back to Jupiter’s gym to regroup, pack her belongings, and prepare to flee the country.

If the player ignores or fails the mission, Jupiter dies, and her story resumes in the next campaign playthrough.