Jupiter’s story


“I used to bat for the Crabs.”


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Expires after3 days

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Battered is the first mission in Jupiter’s story. Jupiter and her father have established themselves in Rockay City, operating a gym and dealing performance-enhancing drugs to their clientele. But detectives Donny and Phips are on the beat and willing to bend the rules to put the two away. Jupiter’s dad absconds with the drugs and leaves his daughter to guard their customer list.


After a sizeable monologue, Donny demands the list from Jupiter. When she refuses, he breaks out a Baseball bat.

Stay alive

Jupiter should try to hit headshots on Donny, since they do significantly more damage. After Donny’s 1500 health falls below 330, he taps out, and Phips takes Jupiter’s list at gunpoint.

If Jupiter instead attacks Phips, he shoots and kills her after giving her one warning.


After Jupiter fights off Donny, she bounces back almost immediately; if instead the player ignores the mission or Donny downs Jupiter, she takes three days to recover. Either way, she offers to join Baker’s crew, and soon after, Scorpio confronts her at the Blue Bull.

If Phips kills Jupiter, her story resumes in the next campaign playthrough.