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Character stories

Chase’s story
“You must be strong, for all of them alive and them dead…”

Cracker’s story
“Hammer, this is Nail.”

Jupiter’s story
“Love you too, M.”

Ranger’s story
“Onto the Freedom Bird and then back to the Real World, baby!”
Urban Legends

New Blood
“You better nut the fuck up, freshmen.”

Juiced Up, Iced Out
“Hell hath no fury—like Baker scorned.”

Secret Symphony
“Remember the Hidden Vault?”

Hauling Ash
“I love when a plan comes together the right fucking way.”

Who Took the Dogs Out?
“I’ve never wanted dogs so bad in my life!”

The Big Khan
“My girl Natalia said he’s going berserk.”

King’s Treasure
“Baker—we really need your nanny here for this?”

Silence is Gold
“That’s how you usually do things? Sneaking around like rats?”

Cagnali’s Order
“Rejoice, citizens!”