K-RCT Episode 2

K-RCT Episode 2 features crime reporting (and a possible resignation) by Axel Rod Pseudonym and a music spotlight by Fran Ann McGann. It was sponsored by Chicken Barbecue, Summer Drops, RockON Magazine, and Grunt. Listeners can stream the episode on Spotify.


Newscaster:Breaking news just in: a new update is available now for Crime Boss: Rockay City. For the full list of patch notes please visit the official website, www.visitrockaycity.com. One major aspect of the patch is that it improves the loading times in-game. This requires a full re-download of the game. We would like to thank you for your understanding. Next up, an interesting exposé on Travis Baker, the newest Crime Boss in town, by Axel Rod Pseudonym, so stay tuned!

Jingle:K-RCT Rockay City Talk Radio.

Advertisement:Come to Chicken Barbecue, the best chicken barbecue in the whole of Rockay City and all of the goddamn world! Do you wanna barbecue a pig? Go somewhere else! We just barbecue chicken! Wanna barbecue your grandma? Go somewhere else! We’re not gonna deep-fry your granny here! We just make chicken! The best barbecue chicken! Home of the original chicken burger! If you want your chicken barbecue, come to Chicken Barbecue, where we barbecue chicken.

Advertisement:Summer Drops: when summer drops, drink Summer Drops!

Jingle:K-RCT Rockay City Talk Radio.

Axel Rod Pseudonym:Hi, this is Axel Rod Pseudonym for Rockay City Talk Radio.

Axel Rod Pseudonym:Rockay City is in chaos, with Sheriff Norris trying to hold everything together after the power vacuum left by the death of the last crime boss. It’s not just Hielo’s gang and Dollar Dragon’s. There seems to be a new player in town. Unconfirmed reports say this new boss is one Travis Baker—just rocked up to the rotten apple and decided to take a bite.

Axel Rod Pseudonym:Rumors suggest that he’s not alone. Details have emerged of his core team of cronies: a calculating businesswoman, a shady ex-cop, and a disgraced former NFL footballer on his team, as well as an in-the-shadows consigliere pulling the strings behind the scenes—this, and a seemingly endless supply of mercenaries fighting for him.

Axel Rod Pseudonym:So, where is he getting the cash to fund his private militia? A series of heists and gang wars rocked Rockay City to the core. Obviously a bid for expansion and to fuel this most hostile of takeovers. Reports have even placed Baker at the scene of these crimes, although it has also been reported multiple times that the pretender to the criminal throne has been killed. With every report of his supposed death, it seems that Baker only comes back stronger, displaying new skills and talents with each new criminal campaign.

Axel Rod Pseudonym:Law enforcement are finding it impossible to predict where he will strike next. Each new campaign seems entirely different from the one he waged before. The name on the street for this overall wave of terror is Baker’s Battle, and the citizens of Rockay are getting caught in the crossfire.

Axel Rod Pseudonym:Some even say that Baker is occasionally involved in a new kind of criminal campaign that the police are dubbing Crime Time. These seemingly random jobs are similar to the crimes in Baker’s Battle but opportunistic and, it seems, performed just as some quick thrills and entertainment. In these short campaigns, all the resources and mercenaries from Baker’s Battle are used, so it seems the more time Baker is putting into his main campaign, the more thrills members of his gang are getting during Crime Time.

Axel Rod Pseudonym:Even more disturbing are the Urban Legends. Some of these teammates and mercenaries have been unlocked to work together on a campaign of six short crimes together in up to teams of four. Some of these mercenaries are so intent on their criminal activities that they have been dubbed “bots” by street-level thugs although these gang members and bots bleed, and if they die, they’re out for the rest of the cooperative six-shot campaign. Each of the Urban Legends consists of four unique teammates and two backups. A team of six, six missions—are we just one six away from a biblical reference? Well, it certainly seems these devils are one step away from turning Rockay City into a living, neon-soaked Hell.

Axel Rod Pseudonym:We now turn over to Fran Ann McGann with a scathing exposé on the latest sounds and—tunes? from Rockay City? Are you kidding me with this crap? No! Eh—I’m not—I can’t deal with this kind of lack of absolute professionalism any more. I’m trying to do serious journalism here. I’m—I’m out of here!

Jingle:K-RCT Rockay City Talk Radio.

Fran Ann McGann:Thank you for that questionable introduction, Axel. Uh, yeah, my name is Fran Ann McGann, and normally you’d find me out reporting on the streets of Rockay City, but today you’ll find me in the studio—uh, rocking up some rocking Rockay music, so stay tuned while I whip up the CD and uh whack that in the CD player…. ’Cause we’ve moved on from cassette tapes, y’know. Yeah, yeah, somebody finally gave us some budget around here.

Fran Ann McGann:Well, anyway, you’re all in for a real treat today, ’cause I’m here to be able to let you listen to that song everyone keeps asking about: “Where does this song come from?” “Whose song is it?” “Who’s the name of this person behind the song?” Well, you know what? I can tell you. The developers of the game Crime Boss: Rockay City? Well, they made the song, and you can hear it right now on Rockay City Talk Radio. Who needs to talk on radio anyway? I’m too busy chewing bubble gum and playing with my virtual pet Mr. Pixel Duddykins.

Musical interlude:Crime Boss: Rockay City trailer theme.

Gonna rule them all
I will break these walls
Waited for too long
Known it all along

Rule them all
Break these walls
For too long
Known it all
And I did the crime!

Jingle:K-RCT Rockay City Talk Radio.

Advertisement:The latest RockON Magazine is out now. It’s the only magazine dedicated to Crime Boss: Rockay City, voted Rockay City Magazine of the Month.

Advertisement:If you love Grunt’s Crunchy Cinamon Squares, you’ll absolutely adore Grunt’s Crunchy Cinamon Squares with apple. Mmm, tasty cinnamon and 100% natural. 100% natural includes cardboard, which has been licensed by the FDA as an approved foodstuff. Brought to you by Grunt’s, the maker of Milk Cereal, the best start to the day.