Red Star

“Ay Maria, it’s a fucking diamond! The size of an egg!”

This article is unfinished. It may contain incomplete or inaccurate information.

The Red Star is an enormous blood-red diamond with an appraised value of several million dollars.


The gem’s origins are unknown, but Dollar Dragon first learned of it while he served as a captain in the Vietnam War. Lacking the skills to acquire it himself, he tricks the US Army Ranger Rodriguez into retrieving it for him from a Viet Cong bunker, then double-crosses the young Ranger and leaves him for dead after their encampment is overrun by Viet Cong soldiers. Ranger survives and spends the next several years in coma at Rockay City Medical, finally awakening in 1975 with retrograde amnesia.


Decades later, Ranger’s work for Travis Baker helps him regain his memories. He steals the Star back from Dragon and entrusts it to Baker as thanks for helping him find peace.